The Rut Stuff
As bowhunter Alan Foster stepped from the house in the predawn darkness to check the direction of the morning’s wind, a sly grin crept across
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As bowhunter Alan Foster stepped from the house in the predawn darkness to check the direction of the morning’s wind, a sly grin crept across
Most of us know the disappointment and frustration felt when a food plot fails for whatever reason. If it happens to be a spring-planted plot
The string of bucks waltzing past my stand was incredible on this late-season hunt. A snow storm was forecast for overnight and apparently, the local
Probably the most admired record amongst today’s bowhunters is Mel Johnson’s world-record typical whitetail which was killed over 50 years ago. On the evening of
The ride on the ATV to my hunting area was brutal, to put it mildly. Just being outside in temperatures that are below zero is
The food plot craze has caught on in the whitetail hunting community in a big way. It seems as if almost everyone that hunts deer
By Don Higgins “If I don’t shoot him, the neighbors will!” How many times have you heard this from someone who just shot a buck
By Don Higgins The clock was ticking down on the 2007 archery whitetail season, so with an unfilled buck tag in my pocket, my efforts
By Don Higgins With the early Illinois firearms season ending the day before, I headed to my afternoon stand with the discouragement borne from years
If there was ever a time I needed for the stars to align, it was on this hunt. I was taking my niece Sydney hunting