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About Whitetail Master Academy

Learn From Don Higgins and Other Whitetail Experts

About Our Team

With all of the misinformation available online concerning deer hunting and whitetail land management, Don Higgins saw a need for a website where serious deer hunters could get factual and cutting-edge information delivered in a high-quality format to help them take their success to a new level. It was also important that this information be controlled by a tight-knit group of serious deer hunters and not be subject to the whims of video-based websites who often oppose hunting. In 2024, Jake Hofer acquired the Whitetail Master Academy and has added additional key whitetail experts covering in-depth real estate strategies, EQIP/CRP/CSP contract navigation, much more. 

Don Higgins

On a frosty November morning back in 1979, Don Higgins shot his first whitetail, a 9-point buck. On that morning his whole world changed and within a few years he gave up all other outdoor interests to focus on whitetails and specifically mature bucks. In the many years since, he has killed several Boone & Crocket caliber bucks including 3 that score more than 200″.
In 1996 Don had his first article published in North American Whitetail magazine and in the years since has had hundreds of articles published in every major deer hunting publication. He has also authored two books and has twice graced the cover of North American Whitetail.
It is Dons experience and resume as a whitetail land manager that really makes him stand out from anyone else in the industry. For over 30 years Don has built and managed his own whitetail property, killing 2 bucks scoring over 200″ on this 120-acre tract. He owned a business as a conservation contractor where he planted literally millions of trees and shrubs on thousands of acres across the Midwest. He also planted thousands of acres of warm-season native grasses creating some fantastic wildlife habitat. To help him learn more about whitetails, for 25 years he owned a captive herd of research deer where he studied nutrition, genetics and whitetail behavior. 
Don is one of the most sought-after whitetail land consultants in business today, having visited hundreds of properties for clients from the Plains States to the East Coast and as far south as Southern Georgia. His client’s success has been phenomenal; just in the month of October 2021, his clients killed three bucks scoring over 200″, two more scoring in the 190’s and one in the 180s! Because of his long-term proven success, he gets more calls from prospective clients than he can possibly handle.
In 2008 Don Higgins founded Real World Wildlife Products, a company dedicated to providing the highest possible quality food plot seed blends, deer nutritional products and other items to help whitetail land managers get the most from their properties. Don remains the president and majority owner of this thriving company today. 
As if all of this were not enough to keep him busy, Don also hosts the popular Chasing Giants podcast and is a highly sought-after seminar speaker and holds a series of Whitetail Master Courses on his farm each spring. In 2022 students came from 24 different states to attend these classes. This website is an opportunity for everyone to glean knowledge and new ideas from one of the most accomplished whitetail hunters and land managers alive today.

Jake Hofer

Jake, hailing from a small deer farm in central IL, has a  background in real estate and outdoor industry. After graduating with honors from Western Illinois University, where he earned his Illinois Broker’s license. Jake has dedicated himself to serving the real estate needs of the central Illinois community. His deep understanding of the complexities of land transactions has made him a trusted figure in the real estate market.

Beyond his real estate ventures, Jake is deeply involved with Exodus Outdoor Gear as a principal owner and marketing head. The company is known for its high-quality, reliable outdoor products and excellent customer service. Alongside creating top-of-the-line cameras and custom arrows, Exodus has produced podcasts and shows featuring renowned deer hunters, further establishing Jake’s footprint in the outdoor community.

Jake also hosts “The Land Podcast,” which provides insights into land ownership and investing, featuring advice from industry experts. His mission is to empower individuals to make informed land purchases, and he has already guided over 100 buyers in their initial investments.

Jake is the proud new owner of the Whitetail Master Academy and is eager to build on the already impressive platform Don, Steve, and Burce built. He plans to tie in a variety of experts in various fields of whitetails, real estate, and all things land. 

Steve Shields

My name is Steve Shields. I have led an interesting and fulfilling life with the unique pleasure to see things many haven’t, all with a camera in my hand. From being 11,000 feet up in the mountains to watching the sun rise over a sprawling landscape, I have experienced some amazing things.

I strive to take it all in and use it as a source of inspiration, not just for shooting videos but for inspiring emotion in others or moving them to take action. Creativity is “starting with nothing and ending up with something. Interpreting something you saw or experienced and processing it so it comes out different than how it went in.” – Henry Rollins

I love the challenges that come with being a creator. It can be something so simple, that is right in front of you and yet be the hardest thing to see. That is the beauty in the struggle that I love so much.

I have been fortunate to work with some amazing individuals over the years, but being able to work with Don and Bruce are at the top of my list. The passion that they both have for the amazing world of whitetails is unparalleled and I am extremely excited to be a part of this team. 

Bruce Carroll

Bruce fell in love with the outdoors at an early age, he started trapping and small game hunting when he was 6 years old. Growing up, no one in his family hunted deer, so when he turned 16 he started teaching himself how to deer hunt. During his first year deer hunting he harvested a doe with a shotgun. By the age of 18 he started to learn how to bow hunt and eventually that year, killed a spike buck with his compound bow and at that moment he was hooked on deer hunting forever.

Eventually bowhunting turned into his biggest passion and since he hasn’t missed a deer season in 38 years. He has had his own hunting show and has filmed for several other TV hunting shows in the past. But now, the process of planting acres of food plots, growing, and watching bucks grow up until they are mature is almost as rewarding to him as shooting a mature buck.

Bruce owns a marketing company, and is a SEO Specialist and Web Developer. He got introduced to Don at a trade show back in 2016 and they hit it off and quickly became friends. Years later, Don and him began talking about developing an online platform that Don could use to help educate deer hunters from all over the country. Don had the knowledge and integrity and Bruce had the ability to build the site but they didn’t have time to do all of the filming and editing. That’s where partnering up with Steve, an amazing video producer and editor, completed the team and has taken this project to a whole new level.